Monday, April 27, 2009


Names of the Day:

Oscar the Couch

Tickle my Growth Spurt

Demons in my Britches

Octopus Eyebrows

Dr. Sphincter reached his hands into the glowing vat as his lifetime labor was now complete. With the potion now at perfect chemical balance, he would begin to fill the enormous tubs, and take them to the local Six Flags, dumping the poison into the water treatment system. Nothing was better then watching greasy rednecks transform into flesh eating zombies on the Hammerhead and Barracuda Atomic Tube Slides.


Edward said...

Is the Barracuda Atomic Tube Slides a real ride?

Edward said...

As much as I gave support throughout most of my career as a writer/voter for Demons, let's be honest: Tickle my Growth Spurt is one of the top ten names ever. The command to end all commands, I love names that max out a particular genre (as Daniel has commented on before): McGagger and insult names, this one and commands, forgotten chimp baby and short names, Steve uses a walker and Baltimore I suppose both present different ideas of where bathroom humor should go, but ultimately don't they both have the same feel to them? The long one about Douglas going to the playground bars is in my opinion the ultimate Rickert name. Has an ultimate ape name been published yeT? I'm not so sure. (Douching and talking like Jesus has to be the ultimate kid name.)

Daniel said...

here we go:

Tickle my Growth Spurt

Daniel said...

and I agree with the ultimates of the name categories. For ape names, the top contenders would have to be Sir Roger Hubert and the one about the guy playing chicken with a huge gorilla across a plain to a cliffside. It's later in these posts actually.